Our Coaches

Caroline Eaton

My goal is to help people of all fitness levels find strength and confidence in themselves.

Caroline Eaton has been involved in the strength and fitness industry for over 6 years. She has competed at a national level in both Powerlifting and Strongman.

Caroline proudly wears the title of Australia’s Strongest International Intermediate Winner 2023. She has a Certificate III & IV in Fitness and is currently being mentored by head coach and owner of SCB Dan Rasitti, as well as top Strongman coaches. 

Caroline specialises in both Strongman and Powerlifting, and is interested in working with clients who want to improve their functional fitness at any experience level.

Aimee Gjeci

I want other men and women, especially mums, to know that it’s never too late to start training and getting strong. It doesn’t matter what you look like or how old you are. Training is about feeling good!

Aimee Gjeci is a qualified personal trainer and pre/postnatal & birth doula. She has a Certificate III & IV in Fitness and specialises in strength training and powerlifting.

She believes in the physical and mental benefits of training and loves training people who want to make positive changes in their life and have a great time doing it. There’s a place for every type of body on her team.

As a coach, Aimee is supportive and understands everyone’s personal fitness and strength journey is different. When working with people unfamiliar with a gym environment, her goal is to build confidence in their knowledge of movements and equipment. Before long, Aimee’s clients are following their programming outside of her sessions and leaving with a smile.